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The Chamber mission is guided by a twenty-one member volunteer Board of Directors and facilitated by the Chamber staff. The Chamber works through multiple focus areas, with committees and task forces being established as needed.

Membership in the Greater Iberia Chamber of Commerce allows representatives of member businesses to participate in grassroots discussion, exchanging insights and concerns regarding various legislative and regulatory issues. These discussions support the Chamber work in developing position statements and advocating on behalf of members.


Committees are also established for work of a more specific and finite nature.

The World Championship Gumbo Cookoff, the Annual Banquet, and the Very Berry Christmas Quest are all implemented by volunteer committees.

The Executive Committee of the Board of Directors is the central hub for guiding the Chamber's annual plan of work.

Responsible for monitoring all related actions taken by local, state, and federal bodies that could have either a positive or negative impact on the business community in Iberia Parish. The committee is charged with developing positions on issues that include an unbiased review of both sides of an issue and verification that the issue is consistent with the mission, vision, and policy principles of the Greater Iberia Chamber of Commerce.

Issues must be vetted through the Public Policy/Legislative Standing Committee prior to being brought to the board for an official board vote. (Enough time should be allowed at board meetings to discuss the major points of an issue thoroughly based on the recommendation of the committee, but not to the point of recreating the full committee meeting(s).

All board members shall be invited to Public Policy/Legislative Standing Committee meetings. Members may serve on this committee with committee voting privileges.

Sub-committees may be established within this committee. 

Current GICC Public Policy Positions

The purpose of this committee is to insure that the Chamber's membership is being retained and growing. Activities may include membership initiatives such as new member drives, better articulation of Chamber value to members, improved support of current members, etc.

This committee works with staff to plan, promote, and implement the annual banquet. including promoting interest in awards that are presented at the banquet.

Click here for more information about the Annual Banquet

This committee works with staff to plan, promote, implement and recover from the gumbo cook off event. The committee recommends event format, bands, fees, and overall budget to the full Chamber Board. This committee works with staff on event layout, volunteer needs throughout the weekend. event bank, and chef's meeting agenda, etc.

Click here to visit the Gumbo Homepage.

Purpose of event- promote local shopping while at the same time creating a low cost activity for families during the holiday season. Building a culture of local shoppers. Tasks include enlisting local businesses and providing them with ideas of activities, promoting to families, creating documents that makes the logistics of the event easy for families.

Click here for more information about the Very Berry Christmas Quest

Yearly half-day women's empowerment/leadership event.

Click here to read about Inspire.

Iberia Parish has been chosen to lead Acadiana in the Work Ready Communities Initiative from ACT. The Greater Iberia Chamber of Commerce has been elected to facilitate the initiative in Iberia Parish. The goal of this committee is to steer the movement within the parish, grow its reach, and then guide other communities nearby as they implement the initiative. 

Click here to see more about Work Ready Communities.

For more information or to sign up for a committee, contact Janet Faulk-Gonzales at

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